Saturday, July 26, 2008


The true test of any musical group is its ability to perform live. Last night I saw an amazing band perform after having to sit through a really crappy band's performance . Jo and I had the great privilege of going to see Coldplay last night at the Wachovia Center. Their set was amazing. They are really fantastic musicians and the singer, Chris Martin, has an amazing voice. They are better live than they are recorded. I also like them because 2 of the guys had a very small role in Shaun of the Dead, possibly the best movie ever. And plus they were lots of fun. Chris Martin is funny and kept making jokes about different things. Coldplay is amazing (have I said 'amazing' yet?). I loved being in this huge arena with thousands of people who all knew the words to the songs and were really moved by the music.

The crappy performance came from the act that opened for them. When I found out that this band was opening for Coldplay , I found their myspace page and listened to them. I knew that I didn't like their music when I heard it there, but I had no clue how bad they would be live. They were entertaning, but not in a good way. Jo and I alternated between sheer disbelief/ wishing we had earplugs and fits of hysterical laughter at how bad they were. It wouldn't be too harsh for me to say that they sucked. They sucked really really badly. And I mean sucked with a capital 'S'. No, make that sucked with multiple letters and all capitals and lots of exclamation points like this: SUUUCCKKKEDD!!!!! The group is called Santogold. If you ever hear of them playing somewhere, run in the other direction, run like your life depends on it. Unless you want a good laugh.

Anyways, Jo blogged in detail about our concert going experience, so go here to see what all she wrote. In short, it was awesome.

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